- make a mission statement
- create a plan for where we’re going
Attracting and Retaining Members
- Open doors Be welcoming to all students who are interested in your club
- Offer perks Have attractive perks such as food, exclusive events, and leadership roles to encourage people to join.
- Keep members engaged Organise regular meetings, activities and events to keep members engaged and invested in the club
Formalise a lunchtime “come chat about programming”. Create leadership positions
- Hold a brainstorming season to gather new ideas and explore new possibilities Poll members and ask them what they think and what they want in the club Host guest speakers: bring in guest speakers to share their experiences and insights and provide fresh perspectives to your club
Make posters for CGSP
- Have a workshop
- Host like a game (even a video game) tournament, make it engaging
- Integral Bee competition for Maths Club, could even be a fake trophy lol
- Invite someone who’s an expert in the field
- Collect those emails