
Complete the following algorithm using pseudocode to instruct the factory’s robotic arm to sort the sweets into their individual colour buckets so that the packing process can begin.

Begin sorting
While sweet in tub
Grab sweet
Check sweet colour
If colour = pink
Then place the sweet bucket
Else if colour = green
Then place in the green bucket
Else if colour = purple
Then place in the purple bucket
Else if colour = orange
Then place in the orange bucket Else if colour = yellow Then place in the yellow bucket End While
End sorting


Extend upon the algorithm you developed in Exercise 1 to allow the program to count the total number of sweets sorted and the quantity of each colour placed into the individual buckets.

Begin sorting
Set total sweets to zero Set pink, green, purple and yellow to zero While sweet in tub
Grab sweet
Add 1 to total sweets Check sweet colour
If colour = pink
Then place the sweet bucket Add 1 to pink count Else if colour = green
Then place in the green bucket Add 1 to green count
Else if colour = purple
Then place in the purple bucket
Add 1 to purple count Else if colour = orange
Then place in the orange bucket Add 1 to orange count Else if colour = yellow Then place in the yellow bucket Add 1 to yellow count End While
End sorting


On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to use pseudocode to help you design your next program? Justify your response.

Probably like a 2, since typing in a hybrid language is generally not too useful in terms of time, since the in languages where the syntax is simple (like Python), pseudocode is almost equivalent to the syntax.