
Stages of Linguistic Development#card

Children go through 4 stages of linguistic development:

  • Preverbal (0-11 months)
  • Holophrastic (11-18 months)
  • Telegraphic (1.5-2.5 years)
  • Multi-word (2.5+ years) According to the textbook, more accurately:
  • Pre-verbal (0-5 months)
  • Babbling (5-12 months)
  • One-word (12-18 months)
  • Two-word (18-24 months)
  • Telegraphic (24-30 months)
  • Post-telegraphic (30+ months)

Preverbal Stage#card

In this stage children communicate via:

  • Soundless communication
  • Turn taking/Eye gaze
  • Body language
  • At about 5-7 months old: Talking sounds (babbling)

Holophrastic Stage (one word utterances)#card

Around 12-18 months At this stage:

  • One word can mean a range of sentences in this stage, ie doggie could be “Here comes the dog”, “I love the dog” or “The dog is over there”
  • Children increase their understanding of intonation and gesture
  • Usually, consonant vowels sounds
  • Capable of around 50 words, but can understand a lot more