
Write an algorithm in pseudocode to find the area of a shape from the list {square, rectangle, circle}.

Consider what inputs would be required for each shape.

Begin AreaShape(Inputs: shapeType, d1, d2) Set Area to zero If (Shape is a square OR Shape is a rectangle) Then Area = d1 * d2 Else if (Shape is a circle) Then Area = pi * d1 ^ 2 Else Print “invalid shape” End If

Print Area

End AreaShape


Design an algorithm to find all the common elements in two sorted lists of numbers. For example, for the list A {2,5,5,5} and list B {2,2,3,5,5,7} the output should be 2,5,5.

Think about what is the maximum number of comparisons your algorithm makes if the lengths of the two given lists are m and n, respectively?

Begin InCommon(Inputs: list1, list2) Set CommonList to empty

Set list1_counter to 1
Set list2_counter to 1

Repeat until (counter for list1 is larger than list length OR counter for list2 is larger than list length)
	If (list1[list1_counter] is equal to list2[list2_counter]) Then
		add list1[list1_counter] to CommonList
		Increment both counters
	Else If (list1[list1_counter] < list2[list2_counter]) Then
		Increment list1_counter
	Else If (list1[list1_counter] > list2[list2_counter]) Then
		Increment list2_counter
	End If
End Loop
Return CommonList

End InCommon