
Breadth First Search (BFS)#card

BFS is a graph traversal algorithm that visits all neighbours of a source node, and keeps visiting neighbours of neighbours until the entire graph is traversed. BFS algorithm step-by-step

  1. Add the initial node to the queue and mark it as seen.
  2. Remove the next element from the queue and call it current.
  3. Get all neighbours of the current node that are not yet marked as seen.
  4. Store all these neighbours into the queue and mark them all as seen.
  5. Repeat steps 2 - 4 until the queue becomes empty.

Depth First Search (DFS)#card

DFS is a graph traversal algorithm that chooses any single neighbour node for each discovered node and proceeds searching from it. This produces long branches, because searching from other neighbours is only carried out once a branch has been fully explored.

  • Design Pattern: Decrease & Conquer ∵ grows MST by cheapest edge possible that does not make a cycle DFS algorithm step-by-step
  1. Add the initial node to the stack.
  2. Remove the next element from the stack and call it current.
  3. If the current node was seen then skip it (go to step 6).
  4. Otherwise mark the current node as seen.
  5. Get all neighbours of the current node and add all of them to the stack.
  6. Repeat steps 2 - 5 until the stack becomes empty. Difference from BFS
  • We use a stack instead of the queue for storing nodes.
  • Typically we do not check whether a node was seen when storing neighbours in the stack – instead we perform this checking when retrieving the node from it.

Applications of DFS and BFS#card

  • DFS and BFS will both give information about whether one node is connected to another via any path in a graph.
  • If the graph is connected, BFS will visit all of its nodes.
  • The traversal tree built by BFS represents the shortest paths from the initial vertex to any other for an unweighted graph.
  • DFS is unsuitable for searching shortest paths for unweighted graphs.

Graph Colouring#card

Graph colouring or vertex colouring is the process of colouring a graph such that no adjacent vertices have the same colour. A -colouring of a graph uses colours, and the chromatic number is the minimum value of for which a colouring exists. Applications are generally to resolve conflicts, where certain objects cannot be next to each other or certain events cannot run at the same time. These generally end up being optimal resource allocation problems.

Detecting Cycles#card

DFS is used to detect cycles! With a small modification to DFS to maintain a list of visited nodes as well as processed nodes, DFS can detect cycles, and if a we visit a node we have already visited, a cycle is detected.

Topological Sorting#card

The DFS order of the processed list is the topological sorting, normally run from a source node. One problem that can be solved by divide and conquer is topological sorting. Topological sorting is the ordering of information according to its dependencies and is typically represented by a directed graph showing the order of progress for a particular system.

Shortest Path in Unweighted Graphs#card

BFS is used to find the shortest path in unweighted graphs from one node to another. By rippling out in layers from the starting node, it can find the first path to the end node.

Spanning Tree#card

spanning tree is a connected graph that has no circuits or cycles and which includes all the vertices or nodes of a graph. A minimum spanning tree (MST) is a spanning tree for a weighted graph whose edges add up to the smallest possible value.

Prim’s Algorithm#card

Prim’s Algorithm is a greedy algorithm used for finding the MST in weighted undirected graphs.

  • Design Pattern: Marks each processed node and reduces problem sizer by one node in each iteration until all nodes processed Prim’s algorithm in plain English
  1. Begin at any vertex.
  2. Select the cheapest (minimum-weight) edge emanating from the vertex.
  3. Look at edges coming from the vertices selected so far: select the cheapest edge; if the edge forms a circuit, discard it and select the next cheapest.
  4. Repeat until all vertices have been selected.
  5. Double-check by repeating the process with a different starting vertex.

Dijkstra’s Algorithm#card

Dijkstra’s algorithm finds the shortest path from the starting location to any other location, not just the desired destination. The algorithm works on weighted graphs and weighted digraphs, where no negative weight cycles exist. Dijkstra’s algorithm is a greedy algorithm – that is, one that starts at a given source node in a weighted graph and expands all possible paths from this node using the weights on the edges to all the immediate neighbours. It then repeats this process from the cheapest-cost neighbour at this point in the algorithm.  As it calculates the shortest path, it marks nodes that have been explored and expanded to their immediate neighbours as ‘visited’ until all the nodes in the graph have been explored, processed, expanded and visited. When all nodes have been processed, the shortest path from the source node will have been calculated for all the other nodes in the graph.

While there are unvisited vertices do
  find the vertex (V) with the smallest distance in the unvisited vertices list
  remove V from the unvisited vertices list
  for each neighbour (N) of vertex V do
    thisDist:=distance to V plus the weight of the edge V-N
    if thisDist < distance to N then
      A shorter path to N has been found
      Update the shortest path to N distance to N := thisDist
      set the shortest path predecessor to N as V

    End if
  End do
End do

Bellman-Ford Algorithm#card

Bellman-Ford, like Dijkstra’s uses relaxation to find the shortest path, but it can also detect that a negative cycle exists. It will not be able to find the shortest path if this cycle exists. This being said, Bellman-Ford works on graphs with negative edge weights, but not negative cycles. Unlike Dijkstra’s algorithm, the Bellman-Ford algorithm is not greedy and does not use a priority queue to process the edges.

Dijkstra’s vs Bellman-Ford vs Floyd-Warshall#card

  • Dijkstra’s: shortest path from one node to all nodes
  • Bellman-Ford: shortest path from one node to all nodes, negative edges allowed
  • Floyd-Warshall’s Shortest Path: shortest path between all pairs of vertices, negative edges allowedNegative cycles are not allowed in any of these algorithms, because shortest path doesn’t make sense for negative cycles.