

What have you learned so far about the setting and the world of this play? What questions do you have?

The world of the play is quite dystopian, and there’s a significant amount of control of information. It is set far in the future, around 2090 or later, and all information is stored digitally. People who refuse to go digital and barred from society, and they are known as defacers.

For Tor and her family, there is nothing outside of London. They have an island, the inner circle, and there is nothing outside for them. There is also a significant lack of resources and food, in fact her family takes it as a treat when they are given the opportunity to eat an apple. As such, they may be extremely advanced in technology but lack many other things, like freedom of information, food and overall their life feels quite mundane. Information is also very easily lost, because it is all controlled by a central body who can remove or add whatever information they like whenever they want.